多郎明哥防疫旅館 Quarantine in DOLAMANCO Hotel

DOLAMANCO hotel officially became an quarantine hotel on August 26, 2020.

Room Type
Applicable for everyone room price.
Standard Room(1 double bed)
Double Room with View(1 double bed)
Twin Room with View(2 single bed)
Deluxe Double Room(1 king size bed)
Mediterranean Style Family Room(2 double bed)
※ 配合中央流行疫情指揮中心於111年2月24日公告之檢疫措施, 自111年3月7日零時起(航班表定抵臺時間)入境, 居家檢疫天數縮短為10天。
註: 中央流行疫情指揮中心訂定的檢疫10天計算時間為00:00~24:00, 故入住防疫旅宿的費用將依10天的檢疫期加1天來計算。

所有房型均為一人入住之含餐價, 若增加一人入住收費為每人每天$600(含三餐、備品), 如果不訂三餐, 可減免$300。
※ All room fee are for 1 person to quarantine including 3 meals. If extra person to quarantine in same room, the charge will be NT$600 per person per day (including 3 meals and toiletries), if you don't order 3 meals, the room fee can be reduced by $300 per person.

※ 多人同住需符合中央流行疫情指揮中心之相關規定並提供護照或醫生證明文件。詳見 Q45中的Q4項
 If multiple people live together, they must comply with the relevant regulations of the Central Epidemic Command Center and provide passports or medical certificates. See details.

※ 所有房型都不接受指定樓層, 皆依入住當天之房況作調整安排。
※ All room types do not accept designated floors and will be adjusted according to the room conditions on the day of check-in.

※ 景觀商務房床型為2張單人床, 我們不提供合併成一床的服務。造成不便, 敬請見諒。
※ The Twin Room with View has two single beds. We do not provide the service of combining them into one bed. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

※ 所有房型皆為木地板(部份照片為早期拍攝, 成為防疫旅館前已更換為木地板), 均配備獨立空調, 小冰箱, 電熱水壺, 梳妝台與有線、無線網路。
※ All rooms have wooden floors (part of the photos were taken early and replaced with wooden floors before becoming an quarantine hotel). They are all equipped with independent air-conditioning, small refrigerator, electric kettle, dressing table and wired and wireless internet.

※ 所有房型內皆含有整箱免費瓶裝水、茶包、咖啡包、盥洗沐浴備品組。
※ All room types include a full box of free bottled water, tea bags, coffee bags, toiletry and bath accessories.

●訂房方式Reservation Methods
機票完成購買後, 即可以下列方式向我們預訂客房, 請確保能取得入境前三天內的PCR檢測報告。
After the flight ticket is purchased, you can book a room with us in the following ways. Please make sure that you can get the PCR test report within 3 days before entry Taiwan.
    a. LINE ID: @pxy3719e 加入好友

    b. 微信WeChat ID: a27001200
    c. e-Mail: dolamanco@gmail.com
    d. Tel: +886 2 2700 1200

付費方式Payment Methods
確認訂房資料沒問題後, 我們會寄送信用卡授權書給您, 請在指定期限回傳以確認保留您的訂房。
After confirming that the reservation information is no problem, we will send you a credit card authorization letter. Please send back it within the specified time limit to confirm that your reservation is reserved.

取消政策Cancellation Policy
航班異動或取消、入境後轉送集中檢疫所或其他中央流行疫情指揮中心公佈之政策變化(例: 不強制住防疫旅館)這一類之臨時取消, 請第一時間傳訊或致電、e-Mail我們, 並提供相關證明, 以利為您作延期或訂房免費取消。其它因個人因素取消都將收取一晚房費作為取消費用。

配合中央流行疫情指揮中心因應春節假期調整相關檢疫措施, 若已入住防疫旅館欲縮減天數返家檢疫將不退款。
For temporary cancellations such as flight changes or cancellations, transfer to the centralized quarantine station or policy changes announced by the Central Epidemic Command Center. (e.g. not compulsory staying in the quarantine hotel), please send us a message or call or e-mail us as soon as possible , And provide relevant certificates, so that you can postpone or cancel the reservation free of charge. For other cancellations due to personal factors, one night's room rate will be charged as the cancellation fee.


臺北市大安區信義路三段73號 電話:+886 2 2700 1200 傳真:+886 2 2709 2649

營運負責:多郎明哥飯店 / 網站設計 Ⓒ Copyright 2018, SUREHIGH